Our Students

Our Students

Student participation in decision making is actively promoted through open communication with all students and in particular our School Leaders. Students are involved in organising and arranging playtime activities. Assemblies are held twice per term and are well attended by parents/caregivers and community members. Our School Leaders host our assemblies. Assemblies provide our students with the opportunity to showcase their work and share their successes. Our students help to run the school by feeding the chooks, watering our garden and caring for our environment.

We currently have 12 enrolments. Most students and their families live within 5kms of our school.


Student Well-being

Children’s wellbeing is central to all we do, because we know that being holistically healthy is vital for learning and having a rewarding life. We use Mindfulness and Berry Street programs to nurture happy, balanced students through mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention and planning. The Child Protection Curriculum is mandated within our programming. We have incorporated URStrong into our weekly Health program which helps our students to understand friendship skills and we use resources from What’s the Buzz and SHINE SA where necessary. Our Student Wellbeing Officer works 2 days per week and provides small group workshops where students are provided with their own lovely wellbeing journals. We also have a working garden that is affectionally known as the ‘Gratitude Garden’ that our students enjoy.