Blanchetown Primary is a small Riverland school located 140 kilometres from Adelaide, home of Lock One. Set on picturesque grounds, our students are supported to be active learners who ask questions, take risks and focus on learning goals. Our school has three key values- Resilient, Responsible and Respectful. Students are empowered to use these values daily.
We have a comprehensive data schedule that helps inform individual learning goals. A sequential and intensive phonics program is utilised at our school. We are well resourced with decodable readers and students have 1:1 devices, iPads in R-2 and laptops in Yr 3-6.
Our R-2 class is called our Little Learners and our Year 3-6s is called The Lightning Bolts.
Our staff are dedicated and committed to our families.
We welcome you for a Principal’s Tour by phoning 85 405 041 for a booking.
Our School Values



What’s Happening?
Our Latest Newsletter
Attachments included:
- Newsletter – Term 3 Week 10
Community Notices
Week 6

Blanchetown Primary School
Blanchetown Primary is a small Riverland school located 140 kilometres from Adelaide, home of Lock One. Set on picturesque grounds, our students are supported to be curious, motivated, risk-taking, powerful learners.