About Us

About Us

Our school sets high expectations of all children, whilst encouraging them to be self-motivated, curious, risk taking, powerful learners (our learning dispositions.) We foster an environment that is caring, nurturing and challenging, to allow students to feel valued, and take ownership of their learning. We have worked hard on creating innovative, flexible learning spaces and places for our children.

Blanchetown Primary School offers immaculate facilities including tennis courts, large oval, exercise circuit and varied play environments that support exploration. Our school is well equipped to support our students through extensive sporting equipment, IT devices, and resource centre.

Celebrating Our 150 Year Anniversary

Blanchetown Primary School was established in 1867/68 with Lucy J. Nield as the teacher.  There were 20 students – 14 boys and 6 girls.  She received an annual salary of $40.  Blanchetown primary School was the only school on the River Murray between Wellington and Wentworth at the time.  The Adelaide Observer of Saturday 4th of January 1868 reports;

“The very marked progress that the children have made for the very short time the school has been opened evinces great care and a rare facility for imparting instruction on the part of the master and mistress. This school as yet has received no aid from the Board of Education.  The mere return of barren numbers cannot test the value to the rising generations of such institution’s as this”.

The school operated on this site till 1946 when it was moved to prefabricated buildings on the present grounds and then moved to the present building in 1981